
New council appointments made

Portfolio Policy Lead Depute Policy Lead
Economic Development, Islands and Rural Communities, Housing Cllr Robin Currie Cllr Jim Lynch
Finance and Commercial Services Cllr Ross Moreland Cllr Jim Lynch
Planning and Regulatory Services Cllr Kieron Green Cllr Gordon Blair
Care Services Cllr Dougie McFadzean Cllr Kieron Green 
Roads, Transport and Amenity Services Cllr John Armour Cllr Willie Hume
Climate Change, Renewables and Net Zero Cllr Luna Martin Cllr Reeni Kennedy-Boyle
Education Cllr Audrey Forrest Cllr Fiona Howard
Business Development Cllr Math Campbell-Sturgess Cll Jan Brown
Community Planning and Corporate Services Cllr Mark Irvine Cllr Iain Shonny Paterson

Leader - Cllr Jim Lynch

Deputy Leaders - Cllr Audrey Forrest and Cllr Robin Currie

Provost - Cllr Douglas Philand

Deputy Provost - Cllr Jan Brown

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