
Community Council By-elections 10 March 2022

A By-Election is being held to fill vacancies on the Dunoon Community Council.

The Notice of Election is detailed below:

Bute and Cowal – Dunoon

A timetable (below) for the by-election lists the key dates. The Nomination period ran from Wednesday 12 January to Thursday 27 January 2022. Forms were required to be lodged with the Returning Officer by no later than 4.00pm on Thursday 27 January 2022.

Following the close of nominations two individuals were successfully nominated as Community Councillors. Click on the areas below to view the details of the successful candidates.

 Notices of Uncontested Elections


Download a copy of the by-election timetable

  • Wednesday 5 January 2022 - Register Published
  • Tuesday 11 January 2022 - Publication of Notice of Election
  • Wednesday 12 January 2022 - Opening of Nominations
  • Thursday 27 January 2022 (4.00pm) - Close of Nominations and withdrawal of Nomination Paper (if any)
  • Thursday 3 February 2022 (not later than) - Notice of Poll (if election contested) / Notice of Uncontested Election (if election uncontested)
  • Thursday 17 February 2022 - Issue of Postal Ballot Papers
  • Thursday 10 March 2022 - Election Day - Final Date for Receipt of Postal Ballot Papers (4.00pm)
  • Friday 11 March 2022 - Count of Votes (10.30am Kilmory)
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