
Kilcreggan Primary Pre Five Unit

Kilcreggan Primary School, School Road, Kilcreggan

Location: Kilcreggan by Helensburgh

ELC funded hours for 3 and 4 year olds: Yes

ELC funded hours to eligible 2 year olds: Yes

Number of weeks funded ELC is delivered within the Academic Year, August – July): 38

Funded ELC Operating days: Monday to Friday

Funded ELC session times and hours per week: 

Funded session times: 9am to 3pm

Funded hours per week: 30 hours 

We endorse and follow Curriculum for Excellence, the national curriculum for Scottish schools for learners from ages 3-15. Children have the opportunity to engage in outdoor learning during every session.

At Kilcreggan ELC we aim to:

  • Provide a safe and stimulating environment in which children can feel happy and secure
  • Encourage the emotional, social, physical, creative and intellectual development of children
  • Promote the welfare of children
  • Encourage positive attitudes  to self and others and develop confidence and self esteem
  • Create opportunities for play
  • Encourage children to explore, appreciate and respect the environment
  • Provide opportunities to stimulate interest and imagination
  • Extend the children’s ability to communicate ideas and feelings in a variety of ways

Care Inspectorate: 

Venue opening times

Term time

Local Authority
Funded ELC for 2 year olds
Funded ELC for 3 and 4 year olds
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