
Connected Persons

Information on connected persons or interested parties

The provides that a premises licence holder must within one month after a person becomes or ceases to be a Connected Person, give the appropriate licensing board notification of that fact. 

The notification must specify –

  1. the person’s name and address; and
  2. if the person is an individual, date of birth

 Where the licensing board receives such notification it must give a copy to the chief constable.

A premises licence holder who fails to give notification commits an offence.

Definition - Connected Person

For the purposes of the Act, a person is, in relation to a partnership, a company, a club or other body (whether incorporated or unincorporated), a connected person if the person –

  1. in the case of a partnership, is a partner,
  2. in the case of a company – is a director, or has control of the company,
  3. in the case of a club, is an office bearer of the club,
  4. any other case, is concerned in the management or control of the body

If you require further information on connected persons or interested parties then please contact one of the licensing standards officers.

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